Escape game Gallery

Company: Escape Room Australia

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Interactive Games Australia Pty Ltd Shop 9 & 10, Level 1, Paramount Mall 108 Bourke Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia ()

03 9639 9993

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A challenge has been sent out to international art thieves by the self-proclaimed “thief-proof” gallery. You are a Master Art-Thief, and you have assembled a crew of criminal specialists with years of experience to aid you in breaking into this gallery, and your aim is for their most prized possession; the priceless painting being exhibited there for a one-day event. Security in the gallery has been set to its maximum level for this particular event, and you have chosen the very same day to execute your plans. You and your team only have 45 minutes to infiltrate the gallery, bypass the high-tech security system, steal the priceless painting, and escape before you are caught within the act.

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