Escape game Annabelle

Company: LOST

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


298 Flinders Ln Melbourne VIC 3000 ()


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Ed & Lorraine Warren are renowned experts of the paranormal. Their most infamous case of all, the demon-possessed ‘Annabelle Doll’, is currently kept sealed within the Occult Museum in their home.

The unthinkable has happened and somehow, the demon has broken the seal, and it has grown even more powerful than before. Even the Warrens are helpless against it, unable to keep it under control.

You and your team of modern exorcists must end this evil curse once and for all. Your mission is to enter the Warren's house, and seal the demon for good. The blood-stained Annabelle doll, what was once pure is pure no more...

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