Escape game Resident Evil

Company: Rush Escape Game

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


Level 1/100 Barkly St, St Kilda VIC 3182 ()

03 9972 6286

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At the same location

Квест The Conjoining

The Conjoining

Rush Escape Game

Rating: (2 reviews)


You wake up in a dark basement with no recollection of why you are there. You are the newest special guest of the faker family, a family with specific and peculiar tastes. They have some rules for new visitors, so make sure you follow them…. They don’t want their meat to spoil. No one likes a dinner guest with bad manners. Dinner is almost served, with the main course being prepared in the basement.


Players are warned that there are religious items, words and descriptions inside this room that may be culturally sensitive, and which might not be normally used in certain public or community contexts. Player discretion is advised.

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