Escape game The Lost Wand

Company: Cloud 9 Escape Rooms


111 Gavan St, Bright VIC 3741 ()

+61 3 5750 1581

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Welcome to the enchanting realm of the sorceress Agatha!

Alas, a wicked wizard has deprived Agatha of her most cherished possession: her trusty oak wand, the very source of her magical powers. The fiendish wizard, in a cruel twist of fate, has concealed the wand inside a magically fortified chest hidden deep within Agatha's own cottage. With a heavy heart and no hope left, Agatha seeks your assistance. Can you help retrieve the wand and restore Agatha to her former glory? Act swiftly, for the wizard is away on a distant journey. Enter the witch's cottage and navigate through the numerous protective spells that safeguard the wand.

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