With actors Haunted

Company: Dr. Q

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


1 Claremont St, South Yarra VIC 3141 ()

0432 690 828

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At the same location

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In the early 1900s, in a remote village, the shadows of war loomed heavily. A villager was forcibly taken to join the army, leaving behind his wife and his unborn baby. Alone and worried, the wife held on to her memories, finding solace in their small cottage on the edge of the village.
As time passed, a new rumor began to circulate through the village. Treasure! Precious!
Villagers also claimed to have seen a ghostly presence roaming the woods, its form shifting and its presence chilling the air. Some said it was a lost soul from the war, while others believed it was a guardian spirit.

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