Escape game Memento

Company: Cubic Escape Room

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


Level 1/741 George St, Haymarket NSW 2000 ()

(02) 9163 8993

Inside the alley between Capitol Terrance Car Parking and Fat Thaiger

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Rating: (4 reviews)


Unlock the mysteries of the mind with “Memento,” an immersive escape room adventure where you delve into the memories and emotions of others. In a journey where every memory unlocks a piece of the puzzle, you will navigate through emotional landscapes, uncovering stories left unspoken, and secrets kept in the recesses of the mind. Embark on a cerebral exploration with "Memento" – where memories are the key, and emotions pave the way to discovery. Your mind-bending journey starts here.

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