VR Eclipse VR

Company: VR Kingdom

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


Westfield Shopping Center, Level 6, Shop 612/1 Anderson St, Chatswood NSW 2067 ()

0451 875 366

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Don’t just dream of being the hero of a space mission. Grab your squad and hop aboard the spaceship ECLIPSE II for the ultimate virtual reality adventure set in outer space.

The 45-minute game can be played with 2, 3, or 4 players, split into two teams: Ranger Team and Support Team. Everyone will get to travel through multiple locations to explore the cockpit, the oxygen garden, the hangars, and the spacewalk. Both teams will have to work together to navigate obstacles in order to solve the mystery and get safely back to Earth! With a free-roam format, high-end graphics, and a mesmerizing story set in space, ECLIPSE is the most immersive multiplayer VR experience in the world.

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