Escape game The Speakeasy

Company: AdventureRooms

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


Level 1, 51-53 Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA, 5000 ()

08 8211 9628

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It’s the summer of 1922. There’s rumors around the town about an illustrious “whispering pub” where it’s said fantasies and dreams you didn’t even know you had come alive. Only a select circle of the beautiful and powerful has access to this exclusive bar- and you and your friends are invited. But be aware! The bar and its secret are in danger: the hilarious parties and illegal activities of the Speakeasy society are a thorn in the side of the police.

Can you get access to the bar and unravel the green fairy’s secret before the police arrive?


Single Mode: up to 7 players
Duel Mode: up to 14 players

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