Outdoor Time Cops

Company: Escape Hunt

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


Level 3, 133 Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA, 5000 ()

08 8223 7770

Escape Hunt Adelaide is located in the heart of the CBD, at Level 3, 133 Rundle Mall. Entry is via Twin Street. There is nearby parking on Rundle Street and in Hindmarsh square. Its an easy walk from Adelaide train station and local tram and bus routes.

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A message from the future reveals that Adelaide is ground zero for a global catastrophe caused by an A.I. going rogue and destroying humanity. Your team of Time Cops are the only hope of preventing this disaster.

Advanced technology company Artitech, are about to bring their first A.I. online. This programme, named H.E.L.A, will immediately go rogue and escape their servers on to the internet where it will lie, growing and learning, before emerging and leaving humanity powerless to stop it.

We cannot allow this to happen. It’s up to you Time Cops… use this knowledge, stop H.E.L.A and save the future, from the past.

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