Escape game Captain Nemo

Company: Escape This

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

2 reviews


Basement, 712/720 Hay Street Mall, Perth WA 6000 ()

(08) 6118 0286

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A scientific visionary and innovative engineer, the illusive Captain Nemo is rumoured to roam the depths of the seven seas in his self-assembled steampunk submarine, the Nautilus. Seafarer’s tales tell of Nemo’s extraordinary navigation skills and reluctance to walk on all dryland but that of his own Mysterious Island hideaway, and even that Nemo is the only man to have ever laid eyes on the underwater ruins of the City of Atlantis. But this all just old sailor’s lore, right?

You certainly thought so… that was until you found yourself aboard Nemo’s fabled Nautilus! Now, a giant sea monster stalking the depths of the seven seas; an eccentric captain; and a limited oxygen supply... what could possibly go wrong?
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