Escape game The Dunny

Company: Escape This

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

1 review


Basement, 712/720 Hay Street Mall, Perth WA 6000 ()

(08) 6118 0286

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Your greatest fears are realised as you try The Dunny door, and realise it's locked! It appears that you are now trapped in the outhouse of the famous, if somewhat deranged, Aussie celebrity Huge Axeman.

An old ham radio hanging in the corner of the outhouse offers some hope. But if you don't know where you are, how can you tell the emergency services where to find you? There is only one hour of daylight left. From somewhere in the bush outside you can hear the rhythmic sound of wood chopping as someone tunelessly sings Waltzing Matilda.

In an Escape Room like no other, you'll need to think and act quickly as a team to solve puzzles and challenges as the clock ticks down. Even if you can escape The Dunny, you'll still need to survive the Australian wilderness, and contend with an array of deadly Australian fauna. You have but one hour to escape...

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