Escape game End of the Road

Company: Next Level Escape

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

4 reviews


23 O'Connell St Sydney NSW 2000 ()

0457 000 036

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You’re the new recruits the guys plucked from the city, to accompany the transport containing a cure for the zombie outbreak, right?


Well, it’s fine if you’re not competent. Your one job is to guard the ingredients and the cure synthesiser with your life like the cannon fodder… uh, brave survivors, that you are! It should be an easy first mission, all you need to do is hop into the transport and ensure everything gets to the outpost. You’ll probably be in the 0.05% of rookies who return. Just don’t get infected along the way, and you should be just fine*.
*The team makes zero promises about this.

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