Escape game Ransom

Company: Social Escape Rooms

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

3 reviews


Level 1, 62 Wyndham Street Alexandria, NSW 2015 ()

+61 2 8007 3555

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Social Escape Rooms

Rating: (3 reviews)


Disaster has struck; an unexpected disappearance of your loved one. How could this have possibly happened?

The delivery of a mysterious box, which contains a cryptic ransom note, will start you on a fast paced thriller that will have you gripped 'til the end. With great elements of action, a lot of suspense and intriguing puzzles, you will be kept on your toes for the entire 60 minutes.

Prepare to be challenged as you work your way through the kidnapper's demands, all while unravelling the clues to save your loved one.

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