Escape game Treasure Hunter

Company: Puzzled Room Escape

Average Rating:

5.0 / 5

5+ reviews


5/1177 Logan Rd Holland Park West QLD 4121 ()

0411 440 035

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Making your way through the forest, you finally arrive at a narrow wooden path and see your destination in front of you - the temple of Pakal. Local folklore has it that Pakal was a pious ruler of the lands, and built the temple, offering his empire's treasures, to honour the gods.

Staring at the entrance, you remember the deal that was made - retrieve the centrepiece of the Sun Stone, and you can keep the rest of the treasure.

As you set foot onto the path, you hear a rumbling noise coming from within the temple, as if to tell you that you do not belong. Driven by greed and a hunger for adventure, you sharpen your senses and decide to proceed with exploring the mysterious temple.


This is not a typical escape room. Players will be scored based on the artifacts and coins retrieved from a 60 minute game.

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